Yes, one of the requirements for the upload of attachments via EASi is specific naming conventions. The following naming conventions are therefore required to be utilised when uploading attachments via EASi:
For external correspondence, the naming convention should be [dateofupload_Acronym of the company to TTSEC_subject matter]. For e.g. 23062020_BBL to TTSEC_Re Response to Deficiency Letter 1.
A list of standard company acronyms is available below.
These naming conventions for attachments will allow for the following:
- Easy identification of documents on the system
- Easy extraction of documents
- Maintenance of a standardised naming convention in the system
For external correspondence, the naming convention should be <dateofupload_Acronym of the company to TTSEC_subject matter>. For e.g. 23062020_BBL to TTSEC_Re Response to Deficiency Letter 1. | |
Company/Organisation/Entity/Institution | Acronym |
A J Mauritzen &Company Ltd | AJM |
Add Venture Capital Fund Ltd | AVCF |
Admiral Capital Ltd | AdCl |
Admiral Ltd | AdLd |
Adrian Bharath | ABharath |
Adrian Manmohan | AManmohan |
Afcorp Mutual Funds Ltd | AMF |
Agostini Insurance Brokers Ltd | AIB |
Agostini’s Ltd | AGL |
AIC Barbados Ltd | AICBdos |
Air Liquide Trinidad and Tobago | ALTT |
Airport’s Authority of TnT | AATT |
Alain Christian Marie Agostini | Aagostini |
Aldon Phillip Williams | AWilliams |
Algico (T&T)Ltd | ALGTT |
Alignvest Acquisition II Corporation | AAC |
Aliyah Jaggassar | AJaggassar |
Allycia Precilla | APrecilla |
Alpha Savings and Trust Ltd | ASTL |
Alstons Ltd | ALS |
Alvin Johnson | AJohnson |
Amanah Securities Ltd. | ASecL |
Anderson Basdeo | ABasdeo |
Andrew Ferguson | AFerguson |
Angostura (Barbados) Ltd | ABL |
Angostura Holdings Ltd | AHL |
Angostura Ltd | ANG |
Annette C Borel | Aborel |
Ansa McAl Ltd | AMCL |
Ansa Merchant Bank Ltd | AMBL |
Ansa Money Market Funds | AMMF |
Ansa Securities Ltd | ASL |
Aspire Fund Management Company Ltd | AFMCL |
Assuria Life TnT Ltd. | ALTTL |
Barclays Investment Funds | BIF |
Barclays Investment Funds Channel Islands Ltd | BIFCIL |
BCB Holdings Ltd | BCBH |
BE TAG Antilles Group (St. Lucia) Ltd | BETAG |
Berger Paints Trinidad Ltd | BER |
Bermudez Group Ltd | BGL |
BHP Billiton Ltd | BHP |
Bidrate Ltd | BrL |
Bothnia Internation Insurance Company Ltd | BIICL |
Bourse Brazil Latin American Fund | BBLF |
Bourse Brokers Ltd | BBL |
Bourse Securities Ltd | BSL |
Built Financial Investors Ltd | BFIL |
BWIA West Indies Airways Ltd. | BWIA |
C&W Business | CWB |
Cable Bahamas Ltd | CBL |
Calypso Macro Index Fund | CALYP |
Camille Mohammed | CMohammed |
Capital & Credit Financial Group Ltd | CCFG |
Capital & Credit Merchant Bank Ltd | CCMB |
Capital Markets Banc | CMB |
Capital Markets Elite Group Ltd | CMEG |
Caribbean Stockbrokers Ltd | CSL |
Caribbean Venture Capital Company Ltd | CVCCL |
Caroni 1975 Ltd | CaL |
Celadon Financial Group | CFG |
Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago | CBTT |
Chip Sa Gomes | CSaGomes |
Chivonne Wallace | CWallace |
CIBC Private Client Fund Ltd | CIBCPCF |
CinemaONE Ltd | COL |
Citibank Trinidad and Tobago Ltd | CTTL |
Citicorp Merchant Bank Ltd | CMBL |
CLICO Investment Bank Ltd | CIBL |
Clico Investment Fund | CIF |
Clico Trust Corporation Ltd | CTC |
Cohiba Consulting Limited | COHIBA |
Colonial Life Insurance Company Trinidad Ltd. | CLICO |
Compass Wealth Management Limited | CWML |
Credit Suisse AG Cayman Islands | CSAG |
Credit Suisse Barbados | CSBdos |
Cristina Bermudez-Lucky | CLucky |
Dan Martineau | DMartineau |
Daniel Lambert | DLambert |
Development Finance Ltd | DFL |
Dolphin Property Fund 1 | DPF1 |
Donald Nock | DNock |
Douglas Glan | D Glan |
Dwane Baird | DBaird |
Dynamic Equity Fund II Ltd | DEFII |
Dynamic Equity Venture Fund Ltd | DEVF |
Edeavour Holdings Limited | EHL |
Education Facilities Company Ltd | EFCL |
Empresa Generadora de Electricidad Haina, S.A. | EGEHaina |
Eppley Caribbean Property Fund Limited SCC | ECPFLSCC |
FCL Financial Ltd | FCLFL |
First Citizens Asset Management Ltd | FCAM |
First Citizens Bank Ltd | FIRST |
First Citizens Brokerage & Advisory Services | FCBAS |
First Citizens Depository Services Limited | FCDSL |
First Citizens Holdings Limited | FCHL |
First Citizens Investment Services Ltd | FCISL |
First Citizens Portfolio and Investment Management Services Limited | FCPIMS |
First Citizens Securities Trading Ltd | FCST |
First Citizens Trustee Service Ltd | FCTS |
FirstCaribbean International Bank (Trinidad and Tobago) Ltd | FCIBTT |
FirstCaribbean International Bank Ltd | FCIB |
Firstline Securities Ltd | FSL |
Flavorite Foods Ltd | FFL |
FNCU Venture Capital Company Ltd | FNCU |
Fortress Caribbean High Interest Fund Ltd | FCHIF |
Fortress Caribbean Property Fund | CPF |
Fortress Fund Managers | FFM |
Fortress Global Value Fund Ltd | FGVF |
Fortress Mutual Fund Ltd | FMFL |
Fortress OAM Overseas Fund Ltd | FOOFL |
Francisco Carrera-Justiz | FCJustiz |
Franco Investments Company Limited | FICL |
Funds International Limited | FIL |
Furness Trinidad Ltd | FTL |
Global Financial Brokers Ltd | GFBL |
Godfrey Gosein | GGosein |
Gordon Junior Gatt | GGatt |
Government of Aruba | GOA |
Government of Suriname | GOS |
Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago | GORTT |
Grace Kennedy Ltd | GKL |
Greystone Ltd | GREY |
Guardian Asset Management Ltd | GAM |
Guardian Asset Mgmt and Investment Services Ltd | GAMISL |
Guardian Group Trust Ltd | GGTL |
Guardian Holdings Ltd | GHL |
Guardian Life of the Caribbean Ltd | GLOC |
Guardian Media Ltd | GML |
Hussain Haroon | HHaroon |
Hyatt Regency Trinidad | HYATT |
Ian Chin | IChin |
Ian L Benjamin | |
Ian Narine | INarine |
Ian Quan-Soon | IQuan-Soon |
Infinity Financial Engineering Ltd | IFEL |
Intercommercial Bank Ltd | IBL |
Intercommercial Trust and Merchant Bank Ltd | ITMBL |
Jaime Dasarathsingh | JDasarathsingh |
Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd | JMMB |
Jamaica Public Service Company | JPSC |
Jamaica Select Index Fund Ltd | JSIF |
JMMB Bank TnT Ltd. | JMMBBTT |
JMMB Fund Managers Ltd. | JMMBFML |
JMMB Group Ltd | JMMBGL |
JMMB Investments Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. | JMMBITTL |
JMMB Life Goal Funds S2 | JLGFS2 |
JMMB Securities TnT Ltd | JMMBSTT |
Joanne Bridgewater | JBridgewater |
Jody Hernandez | JHernandez |
Judy Inniss-Bernard | JIBernard |
Karen Darbasie | KDarbasie |
Kathryn Abdulla | KAbdulla |
KCL Capital Market Brokers Ltd | KCLCMBL |
Kempenfelt House Consulting Inc | KHCI |
Kerry Gajadhar | KGajadhar |
Kerry Maharaj | KMaharaj |
KPMG Trinidad and Tobago | KPMG |
KSBM Asset Management Ltd | KSBMAML |
L. J. Williams Ltd | LJW |
La Brea Industrial Development Co. Ltd. | LIDCO |
Larry Howai | LHowai |
Lex Caribbean Attorney at Law | LCAL |
Life Settlements Funds Ltd | LSF |
Lisa Maria Alexander | LAlexander |
Lou-Ann Gilkes | LGilkes |
Manulife Investment Exchange Funds Corp | MIEFC |
Marc Anatol | MA |
Maritime Capital Ltd | MCL |
Mark Ramkerrysingh | MRamkerrysingh |
Marquis Portfolio Managers | MPM |
Massy Holdings Ltd | MASSY |
Massy Motors | MML |
Massy Technologies InfoCom Trinidad Ltd | MassyTech |
Matthew Aliby vs JMMB Investments TnT Limited | |
Mega Insurance Company Ltd | MICL |
Michael Savarin | MSavarin |
Mondial (Trinidad) Ltd | MTL |
Mora Ven Holdings Ltd | MOV |
MPC Caribbean Clean Energy Feeder Limited | MPC |
Murphy Clarke Financial Ltd | MCFL |
Myrnelle Akan | MAkan |
Nancy Chen | NChen |
National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd | NCBJ |
National Energy Corporation | NEC |
National Enterprises Ltd | NEL |
National Flour Mills Ltd | NFM |
National Infrastructure Development Co. Ltd. | NIDCO |
National Insurance Property Development Co. Ltd. | NIPDEC |
National Investment Fund Holding Company Ltd | NIFHL |
National Maintenance Training and Security Co. Ltd. | MTS |
NCB Financial Group Ltd | NCBFG |
NCB Global Finance Ltd | NCBGFL |
NCB Global Holdings Ltd | NCBGHL |
Neil Salandy | NSalandy |
Nestle Trinidad and Tobago Ltd | NTTL |
Nigel Clewett | NClewett |
Nigel Scott | NSCOTT |
NiQuan Energy Trinidad Limited | NETL |
Nisha Mohammed | NMohammed |
Odyssey Consult Inc | Odyssey |
Old Mutual International Isle of Man Ltd | OMIIML |
One Caribbean Media Ltd | OCM |
Oscar Alviar | OAlviar |
Pan Caribbean Asset Management Ltd | PCAM |
Patricia Eve | PEve |
Paul Jenkins | PJenkins |
Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corp Ltd. | PLD |
Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago | PATnT |
Praetorian Property Mutual Fund | PPMF |
Prakash Ramlakhan | PRamlakhan |
Prestige Holdings Ltd | PHL |
Proven Investment Limited | PIL |
PSCU Property Management Ltd | PSCU |
Public Transport Service Corporation | PTSC |
Quilter International Isle of Man Limited | QIIML |
Rawle Ramlogan | RRamlogan |
RBC Financial Caribbean Ltd | RBCFCL |
RBC Holdings Trinidad and Tobago Ltd | RBCHTT |
RBC Investment Management (Caribbean) Ltd | RBCIMCL |
RBC Merchant Bank (Caribbean) Ltd | RBCMB |
RBC Royal Bank TnT Ltd | RBCTT |
RBC Trust (Trinidad and Tobago) Ltd | RBCTTTL |
RBTT Bank Barbados Ltd | RBTTBdos |
RBTT Finance Ltd | RBTTFL |
RBTT Financial Holdings Ltd | RBTTFH |
Reaaz Shah | RShah |
Readymix West Indies Ltd | RML |
REAL Marketing Ltd | RML |
Republic Bank Ltd | RBL |
Republic Finance and Merchant Bank Ltd | FINCOR |
Republic Financial Holdings Ltd | RFHL |
Republic Securities Ltd | RSL |
Republic TTD Fixed Income Securities Fund | RFISF |
Republic Wealth Management Ltd | RWML |
Resolution Life Assurance Company Limited | RLACL |
RGM Ltd | RGML |
RNC Genter Capital Management | RNC |
Rohini Hanoman | RHanoman |
Roshan Basdeo | RBasdeo |
Royal Bank of Canada | RBC |
Royal Dutch Shell PLC | Shell |
Royal Skandia Life Assurance Ltd | RSLA |
Sagicor Asset Management TnT Ltd. | SAMTT |
Sagicor Financial Company Ltd | SFCo |
Sagicor Financial Corporation Limited | SFCL |
Sagicor Funds Incorporated | SFI |
Sagicor Investments Trinidad and Tobago Limited | SagITTL |
Sagicor Life Incorporated | SLI |
Salma Ali | SAli |
Schroder International Selection Fund | SISF |
Schroder Investment Management (Luxembourg) S.A. | SIM |
Scotia Caribbean Income Fund Inc | SCIFI |
Scotia Investments Jamaica Ltd | SIJL |
Scotia Investments Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. | SITTL |
Scotiabank Global Partners Bal Growth Portfolio Inc. | SGPBGP |
Scotiabank Global Partners Bal Income Portfolio Inc. | SGPBIP |
Scotiabank Global Partners Growth Portfolio Inc. | SGPGP |
Scotiabank Global Partners Income and Cons Growth | SGPICG |
Scotiabank Short-Term Income Fund Inc | SSTTIF |
Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Fixed Income Fund Inc. | SBTTFI |
Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Growth Fund Inc. | SBTTGF |
Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Ltd | SBTT |
SEAF Caribbean Management LLC | SCML |
SHBL Investments Ltd | SHBL |
Sheldon Powell | SPowell |
Shelton Nicholls | SNicholls |
Sheppard Securities Ltd | SSL |
St Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority | StCASPA |
St. Kitts Urban Development Corporation Ltd | StKUDC |
Stallion Property Trust | SPT |
Stephen Burris | SBurris |
Sterling Tobago Airways Ltd | STAL |
Stone Street Capital Ltd. | SSCL |
Streamline Systems Co Ltd | SSCL |
Supreme Ventures Ltd | SVL |
TCL Leasing Ltd | TCLL |
TCL Service Ltd | TCLS |
TECU Credit Union | TCN |
Telecommunications Services of TnT Ltd | TSTT |
The Barbados Shipping & Trading Company Ltd | BSTC |
The Home Mortgage Bank | HMB |
The Home Mortgage Bank Mortgage Participation Fund | HMBPF |
The Home Mortgage Bank Mortgage Participation Fund 2 | HMBPF2 |
The National Football Stadium Company Ltd | NFSC |
The National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago | NGC |
The National Insurance Board of TnT | NIBTT |
The Sports Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd | SPORTT |
The Trinidad and Tobago Central Depository Ltd | TTCD |
The Vehicle Management Corporation of Trinidad & Tobago Ltd. | VemCOTT |
The West Indian Tobacco Company Ltd | WCO |
Tourism and Industrial Development COTT | TIDCO |
Towers Alliance Ltd | TAL |
Transjamaican Highway Ltd | THL |
Trinidad & Tobago Unit Trust Corporation Ltd | TTUTC |
Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission | TTEC |
Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Centre | TTIFC |
Trinidad and Tobago NGL Ltd | NGL |
Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission | TTSEC |
Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange | TTSE |
Trinidad Cement Ltd | TCL |
Trinidad Dry Dock Company Limited | TDDCL |
Trinidad Express Newspapers | TEN |
Trinidad Generation Unlimited | TGU |
Trinidad Petroleum Holdings Limited | TPHL |
Trinidad Select Index Fund Ltd | TSIFL |
Triple M Equity Investment Services | TMEIS |
TT Housing Development Corporation | HDC |
TT Mortgage Finance Company Ltd | TTMF |
TT Unified Calypsonians Organisation | TTUCO |
Unilever Caribbean Ltd | UCL |
Unit Trust Corporation (Cayman) SPC Ltd | UTCSPC |
Universal Investments Ltd | UIL |
Urban Development Corporation of TnT Ltd | UDECOTT |
UTC Trust Corporation (Cayman) SPC Ltd | UTCSPC |
Vega Capital Management Ltd | VCML |
Vernon Walkins Transport Services | VWTS |
Viola Asset Management Ltd | VAML |
VT Umbrella Fund PCC Ltd | VTU |
Water & Sewerage Authority | WASA |
Waterloo Capital Advisors Ltd | WCAL |
Wayne Yip Choy | WYipChoy |
Welthecon Investment Managers Ltd | WIML |
Wendel Mottley | WMottley |
Wendell Bobb | WB |
West Indies Stockbrokers Ltd | WISE |
Western Medical Radiology | WMR |
World Wide Net Limited | WWNL |
Yogendranath Ramsingh | YRamsingh |
Zaheer Edoo | ZEdoo |