Order for settlement agreement re Trinidad Select Index Fund Ltd
In the matter of the contraventions of section 66(1) of the Securities Industry Act, 1995 and By-Law 56(1)of the Securities Industry By-Laws, 1997 by Trinidad Select Index Fund Ltd.
In the matter of the contraventions of section 66(1) of the Securities Industry Act, 1995 and By-Law 56(1)of the Securities Industry By-Laws, 1997 by Trinidad Select Index Fund Ltd.
In the matter of contraventions of Sections 66(2) and 66(1)of the Securities Act, 1995 and By-Laws 55(1) and 56 (1) of the Securities By-Laws, 1997 by Pan Caribbean Asset Management Ltd
The Commission hereby publishes an order in the matter of a Contravention of
In the matter of a contravention of sections 66 (1)(a)and 66 (2) of the Securities Industry Act,1995 (“the Act”)and By law 56 (1)of the Securities Industry By laws, 1997
In the matter of the contravention of Section 82 (c)of the SIA 1995 and By-Law 19 (1)(a) of the SIA (Take Over) By- Laws 2005 by Chan Ramlal Ltd