TTSEC, blink | bmobile Foundation and TTSE collaborate for 4th national investor education competition

The Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) in collaboration with the blink | bmobile Foundation and the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange (TTSE) launched a national investor education competition titled ‘Young Investors, Creative Expressions’. TTSEC Media Release – TTSEC Launches Young Investors Creative Expressions Competition

Notice of Application for an Order to De-list Flavorite Foods Limited’s Shares

The TTSEC advises interested parties that it has received an Application for a De-listing Order, from the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited, in relation to the ordinary shares of Flavorite Foods Limited (“FFL”). Members of the public are therefore asked to contact the Commission’s Officer – Ms. Janine Carrera – …

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TTSEC to introduce new Reporting Framework to mitigate systemic risk

Mitigating and managing systemic risk is critical in securing our nation’s securities industry. As regulator for the securities industry, responsible for managing and mitigating such systemic risk, the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC) hosted a market sensitisation and consultation session on the introduction of its newly developed Micro/Macro Prudential Reporting Framework for the securities industry, on April 8, 2016.

Media Release – TTSEC to introduce new Reporting Framework to mitigate systemic risk

TTSECs CEO Mr. C. Wainwright Iton addressing the questions from the market

TTSECs CEO Mr. C. Wainwright Iton addressing the questions from the market

Media Release – TTSEC gives guidance to registrants on Securities (General) By-Laws 2015

The Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission hosted a market outreach session on its Securities (General) By- Laws, 2015 (“the By-laws”) at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad on June 10, 2015. Chairman Professor Patrick Watson in addressing the brokers, dealers, underwriters, investment advisers and other stakeholders, thanked the participants for …

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