Category Archives: Published Articles
TTSEC Marks 25 Years as Regulator over TT$305Bn Industry

This year, 2022, the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC) will commemorate 25 years, in operation, as regulator of the local securities industry. This is a significant milestone for the TTSEC, one that is characterised by major achievements and the steady growth of the market, which today is …
Importance of Records Management in a Crisis

With the far-reaching implications of COVID-19 as the backdrop, leaders in the areas of archives and records management were diligently working to provide guidelines upon which all agencies should manage records and information during a crisis. Read more —-> Importance of Records Management in a Crisis
Enterprise Risk Management Process

Last week we explored the minimum capital requirements under Pillar 1 of Basel III. This week, we will focus on the firm-wide risk management process and the role of supervisors, under Pillar 2, to ensure that regulated entities develop and implement adequate risk management practices. Read more —> Enterprise …
Risk-Based Capital Adequacy Regulations

The globalisation of financial institutions and the resultant change in their risk profiles, necessitated regulatory requirements for firms to maintain, at all times, adequate capital commensurate with the level of risk inherent in their business activities. Read more —> Risk-Based Capital Adequacy Regulations
COVID-19 and the Local Securities Industry

At the onset of the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic, the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC) began monitoring the impact of COVID 19 on the local securities market. In this article, we will examine the performance of our local Equities and Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) markets for the year …
Impact of Global Conflict
Significance of Global Money Week

This week we look at Global Money Week (GMW) and its significance as an annual global awareness-raising campaign on the importance of ensuring that young people, from an early age, are financially informed and are acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions and achieve …
Investment Strategies: Active vs. Passive
This week’s article discusses the difference between two types of investment strategies which the portfolio manager may utilise in the management of a client’s portfolio of securities. Read more >>> Investment Strategies Active vs Passive
The Cost of Investing
Participating in the securities market comes at a financial cost. This week’s article focuses on the types of costs incurred by investors participating in the securities market. The products and services within the securities market are diverse and carries varying costs. Read more >>>>> Cost of Investing