Author Archives: Rachael Rampersad
Contravention Order re Mora Ven Holdings Limited – $462,500.00
In the Matter of the Contravention of Sections 61 (2), 63(a), 65(1)(a) and 66(1) of the Securities Act, Chapter 83:02 of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad And Tobago And By-Laws 47(c) and 48(1) of the Securities (General) By-Laws, 2015 By Mora Ven Holdings Limited (“MVHL”) Contravention Order …
A Celebration of Life- Anand Seewah
TTSEC Bi-Annual Market Newsletter – Issue #27
How Repo Guidelines affect the Investing Public (Part 3)

We conclude our discussion on Repo Guidelines by highlighting Sections XIV to XX of the Sales and Repurchase Agreement Guidelines. We will also provide data on the current size of the local repo market, as at June 30th, 2020. After a repo transaction takes place, a written or electronic confirmation …
Order- Delegation of Powers- Acting CEO
In the Matter of Section 8 of the Securities Act, Chapter 83:02 of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and In the Matter of the delegation of specific responsibilities, powers and functions of the Commission to the Acting Chief Executive Officer. See attached Order dated 28, December …
Repo Guidelines: How They Affect Investors (Part 2)

We continue our three-part series on Repo Guidelines and focus our discussion this week, on Sections V to XIII of the Sales and Repurchase Agreement Guidelines. According to Section V of the Repo Guidelines, Repo sellers must ensure that all collateral securities[1] are either registered with the Commission, or registered …
TTSEC Bi-Annual Market Newsletter – Issue #26
TTSEC – Notice of Closure

Members of the public are advised that the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission, located at Levels 22-23, International Waterfront Centre, 1 Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, will be closed on Thursday 24th December, 2020 and its opening hours on Thursday 31st December, 2020, will be from 8am to …
Notice- Appointment of Board of Commissioners
NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of Sections 10 and 12 of the Securities Act Chapter 83:02, of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the following persons were recently appointed as Commissioners to the Board of the TTSEC. See attached: TTSEC Notice- …